Jamtastic ideas… what an immediate blast on Friday eve!
Ideation time
Don’t fall in love—don’t ideasturbate… learn to trash a first idea. Asking people to build something—that puts a big smile on their face, and then forcing them to break the very thing to not fall in love with ideas… that’s how Mikko Väätäinen forced us to realise how easy it is to move on and find else. Takes just a couple of minutes that easy.
Get–to–know and warming up…
Come into my comfort zone, and pull me out. Thanks to Riikka Harikkala giving us games, sound and moves to do—ha, haha, hahaha hahahaha, hahahahaha ha… clap your hands and dance!
What happens on Earth during the next 48 hours?
Welcomed by Helena Rusanen and the Turku School of Economics, Emma Vironmäki talks us through the upcoming Jam Weekend… what will actually happen. Emma esitteli lyhyessä esityksessään mitä seuraavina 48 tuntina ympäri maailmaa tulee tapahtumaan.